Backyard Explorer

Mr.D received a very fitting gift for his birthday this year…


My creature capturer received an explorer outfit. He has not stepped out of the house without it on. With one exception, I have put my foot down on the sound machine/animal caller (that is the grizzle bear looking thing in his hand) going to church.

So, he wanders the yard changing the sounds depending on what area he is in. Trying to lure animals to him. His options are the loon, cougar, grizzle bear, wolf, and eagle. Lucky for me we don’t seem to have those animals roaming our local area.

Even though he has not been successful, it sure doesn’t hamper his enthusiasm!


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2 responses to “Backyard Explorer

  1. He looks so cute in it! He was so excited when he opened it. Maybe you’d better buy a few extras now.

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